Who Posted?
Total Posts: 378
User Name Posts
The Perky Ent 125
Nilpaurion Felagund 58
NightKnight 50
Finwe 30
Elrond of Rivendell 20
Fingolfin II 18
Telchar 17
Silmarien 7
nobody 7
symestreem 6
Formendacil 5
The Elf-warrior 5
Firefoot 4
Sleepy Ranger 4
Arvedui III 3
arcticstorm 3
Miriel 3
Pallando 3
luthien-elvenprincess 3
The Saucepan Man 2
Dimcollowen 1
Ruitha 1
Heni 1
Hiriel 1
Gil-Galad 1