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Total Posts: 55
User Name Posts
Nevfeniel 6
Brinniel 4
The Fifth 3
Gimli Son Of Gloin 3
Frodo Baggins 3
Tigerlily Gamgee 2
The Silver-shod Muse 2
merlilot 2
Lothiriel Silmarien 2
mystra 2
Daniel Telcontar 2
NazgulNumber10 2
Aldagrim Proudfoot 2
Gandalf_theGrey 1
Neferchoirwen 1
*Varda* 1
Niphredil Baggins 1
Lady_Galadriel 1
Starbreeze 1
Rose Cotton 1
Galadrie1 1
Morquesse 1
Samwise 1
Child of the 7th Age 1
Ithaeliel 1
Birdland 1
Bramblerose Gamgee-Took 1
Jeli Baggins 1
Laredith 1
Caradhras 1
dragongirlG 1
MallornLeaf 1
Uialellethwen 1