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Total Posts: 90
User Name Posts
Kuruharan 17
littlemanpoet 7
Laiedheliel 5
Bill Ferny 5
Tigerlily Gamgee 5
Birdland 5
Nevtalathiel 4
Aosama, the Wandering Star 4
akhtene 4
greyhavener 3
Bêthberry 3
GreatWarg 3
mark12_30 2
ElanorGamgee 2
The Squatter of Amon Rûdh 2
Tarthang 2
Gandalf_theGrey 2
zifnab 2
Child of the 7th Age 2
Bramblerose Gamgee-Took 1
Daniel Telcontar 1
Morwen Tindomerel 1
Nufaciel 1
Leto 1
Thingol 1
NyteSky 1
Raefindel 1
*Varda* 1
Joy 1
piosenniel 1