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Total Posts: 417
User Name Posts
Galadriel55 128
Pervinca Took 76
Pitchwife 31
Legate of Amon Lanc 28
Tuor in Gondolin 19
Morthoron 17
Huinesoron 16
Narnangol 15
Kyranger 13
Andsigil 11
Aganzir 8
LadyBrooke 7
Unforgiven 6
Arendil15 5
Belegorn 5
Glorthelion 4
Uruk's Bane 4
McCaber 3
Zigûr 3
Lollipop010900 3
Ironfoot 2
Urwen 2
oddkins 1
mormegil 1
Morsul the Dark 1
Mithalwen 1
Kath 1
The Might 1
Guinevere 1
Elyna of Rivendell 1
Valier 1
Nolwë_Namiel 1
skyrunner 1