Who Posted?
Total Posts: 57
User Name | Posts |
Eomer of the Rohirrim | 7 |
Legolas Greenleaf | 6 |
Lyta_Underhill | 6 |
Finwe | 4 |
Måns | 2 |
Morgoth the Great | 2 |
Losthuniel | 2 |
Lothiriel Silmarien | 2 |
Gwaihir the Windlord | 2 |
Rimbaud | 1 |
the phantom | 1 |
Feanor of the Peredhil | 1 |
Osse | 1 |
piosenniel | 1 |
Orofacion of the Vanyar | 1 |
The Saucepan Man | 1 |
Dior | 1 |
Aldagrim Proudfoot | 1 |
Everdawn | 1 |
Belin | 1 |
Maédhros | 1 |
purplefluffychainsaw | 1 |
StarJewel | 1 |
Legolas | 1 |
akhtene | 1 |
Cúdae | 1 |
Aredhel Idril Telcontar | 1 |
Eol | 1 |
Aragost | 1 |
burrahobbit | 1 |
Orome | 1 |
Novnarwen | 1 |
O'Boile | 1 |