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Total Posts: 910
User Name Posts
Folwren 108
Undómë 58
Envinyatar 51
Mithalwen 50
Forest Elf 48
Tevildo 41
Arry 39
piosenniel 33
Celuien 29
Firefoot 26
Lilly 26
Galadriel55 24
Rose 20
Noinkling 19
xMellrynxMaidenx 19
Flame of Udûn 18
Loslote 17
Kath 16
Elfchick7 15
mormegil 14
Tam Lin 13
Gwathagor 13
Dimturiel 12
Crystal Cobweb 12
Volo 11
Newsman 11
Groin Redbeard 11
shaggydog 10
Durelin 8
Tiffany Aching 8
Finduilas 8
Glirdan 7
Dunwen 7
Mänwe 7
MaskedNicci 7
Boromir88 7
bill_n_sam 7
Bom Tombadillo 7
Ilya 6
Eönwë 6
Valesse 5
TheGreatElvenWarrior 5
Farael 5
Child of the 7th Age 4
SmallOne 4
Legate of Amon Lanc 4
blantyr 4
sallkid 3
ninja91 3
Iras Sabir 3
Nessa Telrunya 3
Snowdog 3
Strongbow 3
Girl in the Grass 2
Lalaith 2
Eorl of Rohan 2
Ghanberryghan 1
Holbytlass 1
Arien 1
Anguirel 1
Sephiroth 1
ElentariGreenleaf 1