Who Posted?
Total Posts: 38
User Name | Posts |
Bêthberry | 7 |
jallanite | 6 |
William Cloud Hicklin | 3 |
Kuruharan | 3 |
Eomer of the Rohirrim | 2 |
Tuor of Gondolin | 2 |
Morthoron | 2 |
narfforc | 1 |
The Squatter of Amon Rûdh | 1 |
Mithalwen | 1 |
Huinesoron | 1 |
Aiwendil | 1 |
radagastly | 1 |
MCRmyGirl4eva | 1 |
Oddwen | 1 |
Galadriel55 | 1 |
Balin999 | 1 |
Hookbill the Goomba | 1 |
Puddleglum | 1 |
davem | 1 |