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Total Posts: 7,127
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Firefoot 1,221
Nilpaurion Felagund 497
Galadriel55 474
NightKnight 472
Mithalwen 329
Evisse the Blue 322
The Perky Ent 309
Tuor in Gondolin 302
Pitchwife 246
Tuor of Gondolin 229
Gil-Galad 224
The Saucepan Man 215
Thorongil 161
Celegorm 154
Kyranger 137
LadyBrooke 135
Meneltarmacil 119
Telchar 112
Nerwen 94
Lindolirian 90
Blind Guardian 80
Fingolfin II 66
Urwen 62
Alatariel 59
Elrond of Rivendell 58
Elu Ancalime 50
Estanesse 48
Eruanna 46
Arestevana 46
Thalion 46
Bombadil 44
Absinthe 40
Dimturiel 37
Elwe Singollo 36
rutslegolas 36
Mettare 28
Beregond 27
evenstar_0404 24
Phervasaion 24
Arvedui III 23
Lhundulinwen 22
Ibrîniðilpathânezel 19
Huinesoron 19
Finwe 17
Vinyacoriel 15
Samwise 13
Morsul the Dark 13
Celebriel Esgaledhel 13
Finrod Felagund 12
Galahat 11
Alcarillo 11
Nirvana II 11
Numenorean 11
Isabellkya 10
Mad Baggins 9
Kath 9
Eönwë 8
TheGreatElvenWarrior 7
Sirithheruwen 7
Turambar 7
Gwaihir the Windlord 7
symestreem 7
The Elf-warrior 6
Miriel 6
Dargoth of Morkrond 6
Rune Son of Bjarne 5
Ironfoot 5
Eorl of Rohan 5
Carnimírië 4
The Might 4
Holbytlass 4
Nilturiel 4
Iaurhirwen 3
Valier 3
nynnd1 3
skip spence 3
Ruitha 3
Son of Númenor 3
Sophia the Thunder Mistress 3
gilraën 3
ninlaith 3
AbercrombieOfRohan 3
Almesiva Moonshadow 3
Ilya 2
gralin musicteeth 2
Telperaca 2
Beren87 2
Nimrodel_9 2
Beleg 2
The Laurenendorian 2
Avie 2
Koneko 2
Legate of Amon Lanc 2
miellien 2
paavo 2
Lindale 2
Narnangol 2
luthien-elvenprincess 2
McCaber 2
THE Ka 2
pandora 2
satansaloser2005 2
Gil-numen 2
***Gandalf*** 2
JennyHallu 2
Tulkas the Mighty 1
Nimikôi Angarauko 1
The riders of Rohaan 1
Theron Bugtussle 1
Crystal Heart 1
BeeBombadil 1
Folwren 1
Burzdol 1
Castamir 1
Pallando 1
RadomRadagast 1
Galadriel 1
Taralphiel 1
One of the Nine 1
Catherine 1
kittiewhirl1677 1
Thinlómien 1
Hiriel 1
Mänwe 1
Ozban 1
empress_han 1