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Total Posts: 498
User Name Posts
Nilpaurion Felagund 66
NightKnight 59
Rune Son of Bjarne 51
The Perky Ent 36
Alcarillo 32
Telchar 29
Fingolfin II 27
Firefoot 25
Nerwen 22
Thorongil 21
Legate of Amon Lanc 16
Gothmog 14
Thinlómien 12
Galadel Vinorel 12
luthien-elvenprincess 10
symestreem 10
Bombadil 8
Joy 8
Evisse the Blue 7
Beleg 7
Valier 4
Sophia the Thunder Mistress 4
Dimturiel 3
Alphaelin 3
Carnimírië 3
Elu Ancalime 2
Morsul the Dark 2
Arvedui III 1
The Saucepan Man 1
Glirdan 1
Rilwen Gamgee 1
Tuor in Gondolin 1